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Jews of Tachau (Czech Republic) Papers

Identifier: JHCP-007

Scope and Content Note

This collection contains material pertaining mainly to four families from the city of Tachau, Czechoslovakia, the Glaubers, Langschurs, Steiners, and Wolfners. These families are all related either through marriage or through common ancestors, there is also material for extended family. Included in the collection is genealogical research, family histories, family trees, photographs, memoirs, correspondence, cookbooks, personal papers and documents,... and family film reels. Items trace the families’ movement out of Tachau as the branches settled throughout Europe, the United Kingdom, North America, and South America.

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  • undated, 1910-2019

Language of Materials

The collection is in English, German, and French.

Access Restrictions

This collection is open for researcher use. Please contact us to request access or to make an appointment to view this collection at

Use Restrictions

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Biographical Note

Tachau, present day Tachov in the Czech Republic, had previously been part of Bohemia, Czechoslovakia. Evidence of the Jewish community can be found in records dating back to the 15th century. Up until 1918 the area had been part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, after which the town was known as Tachov. In 1938 the town was occupied by Nazi Germany as part of its push to take control of Sudetenland, areas of Bohemia where ethnic Germans had settled... over the years. Following World War II German speaking inhabitants were then expelled.

Glauber Family: The Glauber family descended from Emanuel Adler and Eva Steiner through their daughter Theresie Adler and Moses Gruner. Their daughter Philippine (Pini) married Abraham Langschur. Abraham owned a dry goods, grocery, and hardware store in the market square in Ronsperg. They had 9 children, Gustav, Hugo, Sigmund, Sophie, Klara, Resi, Milly, Julie, and Betty. Sophie Langschur, born 1872, married David Glauber in 1894 in Tachau. Together they had five children, Emil, Alfred, Walter, Richard, and Karl. Sophie and David were both killed in the Holocaust in 1942.

Emil Glauber was born November 12, 1895 in Tachau. On June 24, 1928 he married Aguste (Gusti) Mayer, born 1906, in Vienna. Together they had two children, Eleanor and George. He worked as a mechanical engineer. Emil died August 3, 2000 in Flushing, New York. Gusti died October 11, 2007 in in Queens, New York.

Alfred Glauber was born August 8, 1897 in Tachau. On October 13, 1932 he married Susanne (Susi) Juer, born in 1905, in Vienna. They had two children, Eva and Stephen. He had a decades long career as a doctor. Susi died in 1980 in Queens, New York. Alfred died June 6, 1983 in Flushing, New York.

Langschur Family: The Langschur family also descended from Emanuel Adler and Eva Steiner, through Theresie Adler and Moses Gruener, and their daughter Philippine Gruener and her husband Abraham Langschur. Betty Langschur, the youngest of 9, was born in 1891 in Ronsperg. She married Alfred Steiner on March 5, 1911.

Steiner Family: This branch of the Steiner family mainly descends from Michael Steiner and his wife Babette Lewy, through their son Nathan and his wife Anna Baumgarten. Nathan and Anna had 14 children, Rosa, Grete, Trude, Berhardt, Anne Marie, Nathan, Michael, Liliane, Emma, Kathe, Irma, Ida, Klara, and Alfred. Nathan rebuilt and owned the family butcher shop located at 120 Marktplatz, in Tachau.

Alfred Steiner married Betty Langschur in 1911. Together they had two daughters, Anny (Nanny) and Gertrude (Trude). Alfred Steiner died in 1938 just weeks before Germany occupied Bohemia.

Anny Steiner was born September 1, 1912 in Tachau. She married Alfred (Fredl) Wolfner, and they had two children Jacques and Beatrice (Fifi), both born while the family was living in France.

Trude Steiner was born in 1918. She married Sam Rothstein, and they had two children, Susan and Andrew.

Betty Steiner left Tachau to visit her new born granddaughter, Beatrice, weeks before the Nazi occupation. She stayed with her daughter and son-in-law and came to the United States with them in 1941. She made her home in Massachusetts with her daughter, son-in-law, and their children. Betty died January 24, 1978 in Queens, New York.

Wolfner Family: Alfred Wolfner was born November 28, 1900 in Tachau to Isidor Wolfner and Julie Hecht. Isidor and Julie also had two daughters, Erna born in 1902 and Helen born in 1909. In 1938 Isidor and Julie moved to Prague following Hitler’s occupation of the region. Shortly after they were deported to Theresienstadt where Isidor died. Julie was then moved to Auschwitz where she died. Their daughter Erna was also killed in the Holocaust.

At the age of 14 Alfred moved to Pilsen, outside of Prague, to attend a technical institute. After school he became an engineer apprentice at an oil refinery in Pardubice, Czechoslovakia. During this time, he learned Czech. At 24 he went to London, England where he also learned English. His firm, FACTO, then sent him to Poland where he worked for two years at a refinery. He then spent two years at a small plant in Messina, Sicily. Alfred was then hired by the American firm, Universal Oil and was sent to Romania and Chicago, as well has further travelling throughout Europe including Russia, and even spent time in Iran. He then worked for Foster Wheeler Co. in their London office and later their Paris one. He joined Compagnie Française de Raffinage in Paris.

In 1932 Alfred married Anny Steiner. They moved to France where their son Jacques born in 1935, and daughter Beatrice (Fifi) in 1938. In 1940 Alfred served with the 2nd Czechoslovak regiment in the French Army. The family left France and made their way to Morocco where they stayed for 6 months. They then went to Mexico City where they were for another 6 months.

In 1941 the family came to the U.S. through Laredo, Texas, and eventually settled in Brookline, Massachusetts. Alfred died February 15, 1995 and Anny died May 4, 2002.

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  1. Material from the collection.


Betty Langschur is born in Ronsperg, Czech Republic
Emil Glauber is born in Tachau, Czech Republic
Alfred Glauber is born in Tachau, Czech Republic
Alfred Wolfner is born in Tachau, Czech Republic
Susanne Juer is born
Betty Langschur marries Alfred Steiner
Anny Steiner is born in Tachau, Czech Republic
Gertrude Stiner is born Tachau, Czech Republic
Emil Glauber marries Auguste (Gusti) Mayer
Alfred Glauber marries Susi Juer
Alfred Wolfner marries Anny Steiner
Jacques Wolfner is born in France
Alfred Steiner dies in Tachau
Beatrice Wolfner is born France
Alfred Wolfner served with the 2nd Czechoslovak regiment in the French Army
Alfred Wolfner, his wife Anny, children Jacques and Beatrice, and mother-in-law Betty Steiner come to the United States
Betty Steiner dies in Queens, New York
Susi Glauber dies in Queens, New York
Alfred Glauber dies in Flushing, New York
Alfred Wolfner dies in Boston, Massachusetts
Emil Glauber dies in Flushing, New York
Anny Wolfner dies in Needham, Massachusetts
Gusti Glauber dies in Queens, New York


3.5 linear feet (3 document boxes, 1 manuscript box, and 1 OS box)

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This collection contains material pertaining mainly to four families from the city of Tachau, Czechoslovakia, the Glaubers, Langschurs, Steiners, and Wolfners. These families are all related either through marriage or through common ancestors, there is also material for extended family. Included in the collections is genealogical research, family histories, family trees, photographs, memoirs, correspondence, cookbooks, personal papers and documents, and family film reels. Items trace the families’ movement out of Tachau as the branches settled throughout Europe, the United Kingdom, North America, and South America.

Physical Location

Located in Boston, Mass.

Acquisition Information

Donated by Beatrice Nessen, 2018.

Processing Information

Processed by Kelsey Sawyer, 2019.

Jews of Tachau (Czech Republic) Papers
Language of description
Script of description
Code for undetermined script

Repository Details

Part of the Wyner Family Jewish Heritage Center at American Ancestors Repository

99-101 Newbury Street
Boston MA 02116 United States