Box OS G
Contains 6 Results:
Music stand, undated
The oversized material includes his artwork including portraits of unknown people, a still life, and landscape pictures and sketches in pencil, watercolor, and crayon. Some of paintings are signed. Also included is one cardboard music stand printed with Brand’s name. Most paintings are arranged by material (pencil, crayon, and watercolor), and the music stand is kept in a separate folder.
Miscellaneous—Oversized, 1988
Ketubah, 1946
Academic and Professional Documents—Mauricio - Oversized, 1963
Brookline Circle #1542—Charter Certificate, 1937
This collection contains a guide for flag formations and processions, descriptions of officer duties, a membership ledger, a reports of entertainments ledgers, a ritual book, amendments made to the bylaws at a 1974 convention, songbooks, and charter certificates. The materials pertain mainly to the Franklin Park Circle #1571, Brookline Circle #1558, and Dorchester Circle #1542.