Showing Collections: 61 - 70 of 277
Congregation Beth-El Atereth Israel (Newton, Mass.) Records
Congregation Beth El-Atereth Israel is an Orthodox synagogue located in Newton, Massachusetts. The congregation was a joining of Congregation Beth El (also known as the Fowler Street Shul) in Dorchester and Congregation Atereth Israel in Roxbury. This collection contains banquet programs, yearbooks, and invitations.
Congregation Beth Hamedrash Hagadol Anshe Sfard (Boston, Mass.) Ledger
This collection contains a ledger from Congregation Beth Hamedrash Hagadol Anshe Sfard in Botson, Mass. The ledger, written in Hebrew and Yiddish manuscript, is from the Chevra Mishnayos (Mishna study group) of the congregation. It contains the constitution and by-laws as well as the names of the original members (both men and women) of the study group. Besides some of the names, there is either a date of death or an indication that the person died.
Congregation Beth Israel (Baldwin Place Shul) (North End, Boston, Mass.) Records
Congregation Beth Israel (Cambridge, Mass.) Records
Congregation Beth Israel (Hartford, Conn.) Records
Congregation Beth Israel was founded in 1843 and is Connecticut's oldest synagogue. Originally established as an Orthodox congregation, the synagogue eventually converted to Reform and was one of the founding members of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations (Union for Reform Judaism) in 1877. This collection includes event flyers, programs for services, sermons, anniversary books with historical information, and bulletins.
Congregation B’nai Moshe (Brighton, Boston, Mass.) Records
Congregation B’nai Moshe is a congregation located in Brighton, Boston, Massachusetts, formed in 1933. The congregation grew quickly and underwent several construction projects during its first two decades, moving from Chestnut Hill Avenue to Commonwealth Avenue, both in Brighton. This collection contains a souvenir booklet and dedication booklets produced by the congregation.
Congregation Kenesseth Israel (Boston, Mass.) Papers
Collection contains a record book of meetings (1908-13); membership lists, addresses, and yahrzeits; photographs and newspaper clippings marking the closure of the synagogue (1965). Collection also contains artifacts (stored in museum collection): 1 ornamental Torah breast plate; 1 inscribed European spice box; 3 Torah pointers (2 wood-1 inscribed; 1 silver-inscribed); the upper portion of 2 wooden ornamental Torah handles; 1 chuppah.
Congregation Kesser Israel (Springfield, Mass.) Constitution
This collection consists of a photocopy of the printed constitution, in Yiddish, of the congregation, stating its organization, the conditions of membership, duties of the officers, duties and privileges of the members, and the duties of the hevra kadisha.
Congregation Linath Hatzedek-Beth Israel (Chelsea, Mass.) Records
Congregation Mishkan Israel (Dorchester, Boston, Mass.) Records
This collection contains meeting minutes, financial records, mailing lists, stationary, programs, and invitations created by Congregation Mishkan Israel and its Ladies Auxiliary.
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Subject
- Boston (Mass.) 168
- Correspondence 155
- Photographs 117
- Clippings (information artifacts) 106
- Publications (documents) 62
- Minutes (administrative records) 60
- Newsletters 47
- Programs (documents) 47
- Financial records 40
- Reports 36
- Notes 32
- Lynn (Mass.) 29
- Scrapbooks 28
- Synagogues 27
- Business records 26
- Brochures 25
- Administrative records 24
- North Shore (Mass. : Coast) 24
- Pamphlets 23
- Brookline (Mass.) 22
- Speeches (documents) 20
- Synagogues -- Organization and administration 20
- Bylaws (administrative records) 17
- Printed ephemera 17
- Awards 16
- Chelsea (Mass.) 16
- Legal documents 16
- Rabbis 16
- Israel 15
- Zionism 15
- Jewish community centers 14
- Memorandums 14
- Newton (Mass.) 14
- Certificates 12
- New York (N.Y.) 12
- Fraternal organizations 11
- Swampscott (Mass.) 11
- Advertisements 10
- Cambridge (Mass.) 10
- Dorchester (Boston, Mass.) 10
- Roxbury (Boston, Mass.) 10
- Synagogues -- Massachusetts 10
- Articles 9
- Invitations 9
- Jewish lawyers 9
- Salem (Mass.) 9
- Announcements 8
- Associations, institutions, etc. -- United States 8
- Beverly (Mass.) 8
- Ephemera 8
- Fall River (Mass.) 8
- Holocaust 8
- Malden (Mass.) 8
- Marblehead (Mass.) 8
- Peabody (Mass.) 8
- World War, 1939-1945 8
- Audiocassettes 7
- Corporation reports 7
- Diaries 7
- Emigration and immigration 7
- Fliers (printed matter) 7
- Genealogical tables 7
- Immigrants -- Jews -- United States 7
- Jewish businesspeople 7
- Membership lists 7
- Rabbis -- Massachusetts 7
- Revere (Mass.) 7
- Sound recordings 7
- Synagogues -- Massachusetts -- Boston 7
- Account books 6
- Autobiographies 6
- Everett (Mass.) 6
- Financial statements 6
- Genealogies (histories) 6
- Jewish families 6
- Jewish women 6
- Ledgers (account books) 6
- New Haven (Conn.) 6
- Posters 6
- Scholarships 6
- Sermons 6
- Sheet music 6
- Springfield (Mass.) 6
- Synagogues -- Connecticut 6
- World War, 1914-1918 6
- Yearbooks 6
- Antisemitism 5
- Associations, institutions, etc. 5
- Audiovisual materials 5
- Jewish women -- Societies and clubs 5
- Notebooks 5
- Obituaries 5
- Poetry 5
- Press releases 5
- Sharon (Mass.) 5
- Synagogues -- Massachusetts -- Chelsea 5
- United States -- Foreign relations -- Israel 5
- Worcester (Mass.) 5
- Zionism -- Massachusetts -- Boston 5
- Zionism and Judaism 5 + ∧ less
- Language
- English 273
- Hebrew 60
- Yiddish 43
- German 16
- Russian 16
- French 8
- Ukrainian 2
- Arabic 1
- Italian 1
- Latin 1
- Lithuanian 1
- Polish 1
- Portuguese 1
- Spanish; Castilian 1 + ∧ less
- Names
- Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston 27
- B'nai B'rith 12
- Brandeis University 10
- Associated Jewish Philanthropies (Boston, Mass.) 9
- Congregation Adath Israel (Boston, Mass.) 8
- Harvard University 8
- Beth Israel Hospital (Boston, Mass.) 7
- Jewish National Fund 7
- Weizmann, Chaim, 1874-1952 7
- Brandeis, Louis Dembitz, 1856-1941 6
- Jewish War Veterans of the United States, Inc. 6
- Stone, Elihu David 6
- Temple Ohabei Shalom (Brookline, Mass.) 6
- United Jewish Appeal 6
- Zionist Organization of America 6
- American Jewish Committee 5
- American Jewish Congress 5
- Federated Jewish Charities (Boston, Mass.) 5
- Hadassah, the Women’s Zionist Organization of America 5
- Temple Emanuel (Newton, Mass.) 5
- Winer, Louis 5
- Wise, Stephen S. (Stephen Samuel), 1874-1949 5
- Federation of Jewish Charities of Boston 4
- Hebrew Teachers College (Brookline, Mass.) 4
- Jewish Community Center of Greater Boston 4
- Jewish Heritage Center of the North Shore (Lynn, Mass.) 4
- Jewish Theological Seminary of America 4
- Kennedy, Edward M. (Edward Moore), 1932-2009 4
- Massachusetts Board of Rabbis 4
- National Jewish Welfare Board 4
- Temple Beth El (Swampscott, Mass.) 4
- Truman, Harry S., 1884-1972 4
- Weinstein, Lewis H., 1905-. 4
- American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee 3
- Ben-Gurion, David, 1886-1973 3
- Boston Commission on Jewish Continuity 3
- Boy Scouts of America 3
- Central Conference of American Rabbis 3
- Congregation Mishkan Tefila (Chestnut Hill, Mass.) 3
- Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds 3
- Dukakis, Michael S. (Michael Stanley), 1933- 3
- Epstein, Louis M., 1887-1949 3
- Gorfinkle, Bernard 3
- Harvard Business School 3
- Hebrew College (Newton Center, Newton, Mass.) 3
- Hurwich, Louis, 1886-1967 3
- Independent Order Brith Abraham of the United States of America 3
- Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963 3
- Levine, Harry, 1895-1977 3
- Liebman, Joshua Loth, 1907-1948 3
- McCormack, John W., 1891-1980 3
- National Community Relations Advisory Council (U.S.) 3
- Rabbinical Association of Greater Boston 3
- Sachar, Abram Leon, 1899-1993 3
- Segal, Robert E. 3
- Shanok, Morton 3
- Shrage, Barry 3
- Shubow, Joseph Shalom 3
- Stone, Dewey David, 1900-1977 3
- Szold, Henrietta, 1860-1945 3
- Temple B’nai Abraham (Beverly, Mass.) 3
- Temple Israel (Boston, Mass) 3
- Temple Shalom of the Congregation Sons of Jacob (Salem, Mass.) 3
- Workmen’s Circle (U.S.) 3
- Action for Soviet Jewry 2
- Adath Jeshurun Cemetery Association 2
- Alpert, Abraham 2
- American Zionist Council 2
- Avukah, American Student Zionist Federation 2
- B'nai B'rith. Anti-defamation League. 2
- Benkovitz, Icik 2
- Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center 2
- Boruchoff, Ber, 1872-1939 2
- Boston University 2
- Bureau of Jewish Education (Boston, Mass.) 2
- B’nai B’rith Hillel Foundations 2
- B’nai B’rith Women 2
- Cambridge Hebrew Women's Aid Society 2
- Combined Jewish Appeal (Boston, Mass.) 2
- Congregation Anshai Sfard (Lynn, Mass.) 2
- Congregation Shirat Hayam (Swampscott, Mass.) 2
- Coolidge, Calvin, 1872-1933 2
- Curley, James Michael, 1874-1958 2
- Cushing, Richard, 1895-1970 2
- Ehrmann, Herbert B. (Herbert Brutus), 1891-1970 2
- Epstein, Mary Wolfman, 1908-1998 2
- Girls’ Latin School (Boston, Mass.) 2
- Goldstein, Israel 1896- 2
- Gordon, Albert Isaac, 1903-1968 2
- Grossman, Benjamin 2
- HIAS (Agency) 2
- Harvard Law School 2
- Harvard-Radcliffe Hillel Foundation 2
- Hebrew Free Loan Association of Pittsfield, Mass. 2
- Herter, Christian Archibald, 1895-1966 2
- Humphrey, Hubert H. (Hubert Horatio), 1911-1978 2
- Jewish Cemetery Association of Massachusetts 2
- Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Boston 2
- Jewish Federation of the North Shore 2
- Jewish Historical Society of the North Shore 2 + ∧ less